• 20 October 2020, Tuesday
  • Онлайн


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Другие события организатора

1547 дней назад
с 10:00 20 October до 14:00 22 October 2020

ALTHAUS and international network WTS Global invite you to join the online event – Russian Tax Congress. October 20, 21, 22, European, Asian and Russian tax experts will be discussing the most vital tax issues.

2020 was marked by the global and non-typical challenge – COVID-19. However despite of the hard times, it was the pandemic that united the whole World online.

ALTHAUS and international network WTS Global invite you to join the online event – RUSSIAN TAX CONGRESS. 

October 20, 21, 22, European, Asian and Russian tax experts will be discussing the most vital tax issues.

October 20 will be dedicated to the European  taxation. Consultants from the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Cyprus will speak of the latest changes to the tax legislation as well as of the DAC 6/7 current state.

October 21 WTS Global representatives from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and UAE will join the congress with the Asian post-COVID-19 taxation review.

October 22 will deal with the Russian new taxation law as well as with tax agreements with the Netherlands, Cyprus and Luxembourg partners.

Exclusively for Tax Congress participants!

October 22, Lecture "Leading your team and organization through turbulent times" by Wim Wuyts, CEO of the WTS Global, lecturer at European Centre for Executive Development in Fontainebleau, France, founder and chairman of the International Tax Leadership School (Fountainbleau and Silicon Valley), International Taxation expert.

For the detailed Agenda of the event, please, tap the link.


Russian Tax Congress 2020 is a global networking event. At the end of the congress all 3 days’ participants will receive the Certificate of ALTHAUS University and WTS Global Academy.

You may address your questions to the experts from different countries, find new partners around the Globe, share your experience and get acquainted with like-minded people on the basis of the Russian Tax Congress. 


The event is free of charge. Organiser approval is needed.


Consultants are not allowed.


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